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Why Your Business Needs Mental Health Support Services for Better Worker Productivity 

mental health support services

Worker mental health has been a common topic of discussion since well before the pandemic, but it’s become an even more prevalent concern as workers have increasingly been asked to return to the office.  

Making space within your workplace wellness services for mental health support services for your workers can keep them healthy and more productive, benefiting your business. 

The Need for Workplace Mental Health Support Services 

A 2023 TELUS Health report found that Canadian workers diagnosed with depression lose 56 workdays per year, and those with anxiety lose 55 days annually. Assuming an hourly pay rate of $25, that means that the most common mental health concerns annually cost Canadian businesses $11,200 per worker with depression, and $11,000 per worker with anxiety. That’s a significant expenditure for most businesses. 

Taking the time to access mental health resources outside of working hours can be a challenge for many workers. They may have difficulty finding a provider who is taking new patients, or their provider’s schedule may not line up with the worker’s availability.  

When workers aren’t mentally healthy, they are more at risk for becoming physically ill — including research showing that those with mental health issues being at higher risk for heart disease and other conditions. They also may be more likely to develop drug or alcohol abuse issues, which can lead to further physical health conditions and absences from work. 

This often leads to many workers not taking the time to care for their mental health, increasing absenteeism, decreasing productivity and generally making employees less healthy. 

Benefits of Mental Health Support Services in the Workplace 

Offering easily accessible mental health support services to your workers has a wealth of benefits for both your employees and your business. 

Early Intervention for Crises 

Mental health crises can have lots of ramifications for everyone in your organization, not just the person experiencing them. These can include: 

  • Having to shift around duties and schedules to accommodate workers who are out sick 
  • Needing to pick up extra work if a worker is less productive 
  • Being emotionally impacted by a worker in crisis 

Routine access to mental health appointments is one of the best ways to help workers reduce the risk of experiencing a mental health crisis. With the help of a professional, workers can identify when they are struggling, develop coping mechanisms and identify resources they can tap into when they need immediate help. 

Additionally, by offering broader access to mental health support, your employees are more likely to take advantage of them. This will provide more workers with the skills to identify when they or even a coworker may be having a mental health crisis. Workers can then seek help to get someone else help, building a sense of community among workers and allowing everyone to get the assistance they need in times of trouble. 

Reduce Stigma of Asking for Help 

A survey of 1,000 men found that 77% of respondents suffered from symptoms of common mental health conditions — anxiety, stress and depression, for example — but 40% said they’ve never spoken to anyone about their mental health. Of those respondents, 29% say they are too embarrassed to ask for help, and another 20% say there’s a negative stigma around seeking mental health help. 

Being perceived as “weak” or that asking for help is somehow admitting failure is one of the largest barriers people face in getting help for their mental health. Many assume that therapy is only for those who have serious conditions. In reality, ongoing mental health support can help people cope with stress, navigate life changes and set goals that keep them continuously improving in their personal and professional lives. 

If you give workers convenient access to confidential mental health help, especially if they can access that help from the comfort of their own home remotely, they are more likely to take advantage of it. There’s no need for them to call to make an appointment, potentially take time off work for that appointment and go into an office where they may have to interact with strangers. Workers will be more comfortable talking to a mental health professional in a familiar environment, making them more likely to commit to receiving long-term help. 

Improve Employee Morale and Engagement 

Workers are becoming increasingly disengaged in the workplace, and struggling with individual mental health only makes disengagement worse. When a worker is feeling stressed or facing a mental health crisis, they are going to be less present at work. 

Giving your employees easy access to mental health support on their schedule provides more opportunities for them to receive the help they need. They will learn strategies to cope with their challenges and achieve better balance in all aspects of their lives. 

Additionally, offering confidential, convenient mental health support as a worker benefit shows you take your team’s mental health seriously. When workers feel they are cared for and that their wellbeing is valued, their morale and engagement at work improves. 

Increased Worker Productivity 

Wrestling with mental health challenges, even minor everyday stress, makes workers less effective at their jobs. Their attention is not on their tasks and instead is on how unwell they are feeling, bringing down productivity. 

Mental health support can help workers deal with stressors both large and small. They will develop the tools to manage their challenges and balance their regular duties, including going to work.  

Workers with unmanaged mental health conditions are more likely to take sick days. By proactively caring for their wellbeing, your workers may miss fewer days each year, improving the overall productivity of your team. 

Your Mental Health Support Services Partner 

At Medcor, we understand the importance of providing easily accessible, quality mental health care to your workers. Our mental health support services are available remotely, giving workers access to skilled professionals in a setting that makes them feel comfortable enough to seek help and share their struggles. See what mental health support services can do for your team. Speak with an advocate today.