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Mental Health and Wellness

Employee Mental Health and Wellness Programs

When it comes to supporting employee mental health and wellness, employee health programs are a cost-effective way to protect the investment you’ve made in your workforce. Programs that incorporate employee wellness improve the physical and mental health of employees while promoting increased productivity and decreased work-related injuries.

From onsite clinics to telehealth services, Medcor stands ready to help your team be the healthiest it can be. Learn more about our employee health and wellbeing services.

Stressed woman

What is Mental Health Support Service?

Our mental health support service helps employees find balance, improve self esteem and manage stress. Our proactive approach allows your employees to feel empowered and encouraged in finding solutions to concerns before they become bigger issues. Employees who utilize this support are more productive, focused and – ultimately – safer throughout their workday.
  • Employees book their appointments online and can attend sessions with a Mental Health Advocate virtually from anywhere. Employees can connect with the same Mental Health Advocate for follow-up sessions. All sessions are 100% confidential so employees have a safe space for sharing stories, struggles and stresses. One-on-one and group sessions are available, and daytime, evening and weekend virtual sessions are available.
  • When employees have someone to confide in, relate to and validate their feelings, they realize they’re not alone. When employees are supported in this way they:
    – Feel encouraged
    – Learn to talk things out before they become a bigger issue
    – Gain the skills needed to combat similar concerns when they arise in the future
    – Are more focused and productive at work
    – Are less likely to need time off work for their mental health

How does Mental Health Support Service benefit an employer?

With healthier and happier employees, employers enjoy:

  • Lower rates of absenteeism
  • Less employee turnover
  • Increased productivity
  • Being attractive to employees
  • Creating a culture of health and wellness
of disability claims related to mental health issues
of people reluctant to disclose mental illness
1 in 5 Canadians
experience mental illness
$50 billion +
estimated annual cost of mental illness in Canada
YouTube Video

How Does it Differ from an EAP?

Our program is designed to work in collaboration with EAPs and provides a well-rounded approach to employee wellness for everyone. Benefits include:

  • Reconnect with the same Mental Health Advocate for continued sessions
  • No limit to number of sessions
  • No long wait times
  • Access the program at your own convenience
  • Easy to book and connect from anywhere
  • Monthly reporting available
  • Referrals made if necessary

Your employees, and your company as a whole, benefit from providing and participating in workplace wellness programs. Both physical and mental health must be considered for an effective employee wellbeing program. 

How Medcor Supports Employee Health and Wellness Programs

Medcor health and wellness services improve occupational health and safety, taking the best care of your team. We make supporting employee health easy, incorporating it into your general work culture. 

Our wellness services help you take care of the whole employee, and our wellness offerings include: 

  • Health education 
  • Health coaching 
  • Mental wellness appointments, including mental health first aid training 
  • Employee incentive and activity platform 
  • Annual health fairs 
  • Lifestyle assessments 
  • And more 

All of Medcor wellbeing service options are available both onsite and through virtual components, allowing you to obtain the level of service you need. These programs help you take care of the whole employee, saving your company money while providing an added benefit to your workers. 

Connect with a Mental Health and Wellness Expert

If you want to offer your employees an additional benefit and help protect their health and wellbeing, speak with a Medcor advocate to discuss our mental health and wellness programs today. 

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