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Why Choose Onsite Care?

Offering onsite healthcare is popular in large organizations, companies managing multiple worksites and industries with a higher probability of injuries. But employers of all sizes — and their employees — can benefit from access to an onsite clinic

Here are some reasons employers choose to partner with Medcor for onsite care. 

Promote a Healthy Workforce 

A healthy workforce is more productive and sees higher rates of employee satisfaction. Healthy workforces result in savings for the company, as employees experience fewer injuries and miss fewer days of work. 

Prevent Needless Claims and OSHA Recordables 

Onsite care allows employees to get care for work-related injuries promptly, without ever leaving work. This prevents needless claims and costs for offsite care, as well as needless OSHA recordables. Because OSHA recordables are public record, they can impact a company’s reputation with the public. 

Mitigate Risks 

When your workers are healthy, they are less likely to be injured on the job. Offering onsite care ensures that, when workers are injured, they get the right care at the right time and in the right place. 

Decrease Costs 

An onsite clinic is an expense that helps you protect the largest investment you make — the investment in your workers. Onsite health services help companies save costs related to unnecessary care and claims. 

Increase In-Network Provider Utilization 

When an employee requires care outside an onsite clinic, Medcor makes referrals and helps manage the case from the initial injury through to the employee’s return to work. This helps maximize in-network provider utilization and, in turn, decreases your costs. 

Facilitate Safe Return to Work 

Injured employees who return to work before they are physically ready are at greater risk of being re-injured. Medcor’s onsite clinic staff can help determine whether an injured employee is ready to return to duties and manage accommodations if necessary. 

Maximize Health Data  

Medcor’s proprietary software and our experience in occupational health help us maximize the use of health data we collect across all our onsite clinics. Analyzing health data allows you to implement new policies to prevent injuries. 

Improve Employee Satisfaction 

Your employees notice when you make investments in their health and safety. When employees have convenient access to onsite care, employee satisfaction improves, increasing overall productivity and worker retention. 

Partner with Medcor 

Give your employees access to quality care for their on-the-job injuries without the high costs related to claims and offsite care with an onsite clinic by Medcor.

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