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What Are You Looking For?
Onsite Clinics

Integrated Injury Prevention 

Supporting total worker health means identifying things that could cause worker injuries and taking steps to prevent them from happening. With our Integrated Injury Prevention services, delivered by Work RightNW, you can offer a continuum of care from proactive prevention to targeted treatment that is seamlessly incorporated into your existing clinic setup

Your workers benefit from skilled assessment of their workspace to help stop injuries before they happen. You see a cost savings in reduced rates of costly injuries, decreasing your chances of workers’ compensation claims and litigation. 

Benefits of Integrated Injury Prevention 

Having Injury Prevention Specialists at your onsite clinic provides a host of benefits to you and your employees. 
  • A proactive approach to injury prevention actively creates a culture of health and safety, helping your employees stay safe throughout their workday. 
  • Integrated Injury Prevention can decrease instances of costly musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, reducing your financial burden. 
  • Early involvement in injured workers’ recovery ensures a faster return-to-work, keeping your business on track. 
  • Your employees receive a smooth transition of care from prevention to treatment between Work Right and Medcor’s onsite clinics, as services are bundled and billed as one.

Integrated Injury Prevention Services

Medcor’s Integrated Injury Prevention services help you avoid injuries and get employees back to work faster when they are injured. Offerings include: 

Injury Prevention

Our skilled Injury Prevention Specialists offer wellness visits, ergonomic training and ache-and-pain evaluations at your onsite clinic. 

First 90 Days Program

Establish healthy habits and educate new workers to promote a culture of wellbeing. 

Functional Movement Screenings

Get valuable insights with functional movement screenings, including preventative training and strengthening, utilizing wearable technology to identify and access risk points.  

Toolbox Talks and Training 

Keep safety front-of-mind with regular prevention insights and industrial medicine resources. 

Early Symptom Intervention 

Having Injury Prevention Specialists onsite allows for early intervention and better prevention.  

Performance Training 

Hands-on coaching optimizes posture and minimizes ergonomic risks that could lead to injury. 

Speak with an Integrated Injury Prevention Specialist 

Speak with an Integrated Injury Prevention Specialist from Medcor

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