How Medcor Helped Save a Data Center Project $1.4 million

With more than 1,000 workers estimated to be onsite daily during the construction of a $2 billion data center, this client knew they needed a partner who could help them protect workers, reduce OSHA recordables and expenses and increase efficiency.
The high rates of injuries in the construction industry — workers are 24% more likely to get injured in construction than working in other professions — meant this client needed an experienced partner dedicated to ensuring workers made it home safely each night.

To help achieve their goals of reduced costs and improved safety, this client contracted with Medcor for an onsite clinic and staff. We provided an experienced, highly skilled occupational health technician to work the jobsite. Workers had access to a variety of medical services, including onsite drug screening, blood pressure checks and prompt evaluation of work-related injuries.
Of the 181 work-related injuries, 171 of them (94%) were treated onsite and returned to work without any claim, cost or recordable. Medcor also conducted 1,378 onsite drug screens, helping the client keep their worksite substance-free.
Medcor’s services helped the client see a positive return on investment of approximately $2 for every $1 spent. None of the 10 reported lower back incidents treated led to claims or recordables, helping the client avoid potentially costly claims.
Onsite drug screens helped the client save thousands on test costs while reducing travel-related lost productivity by thousands of hours.